Inpho Geo Capturing Product
Inpho Geo Capturing Product
Data Capture
Transform image blocks into 3D attributes, features and models.
- Automatically create digital terrain and surface models from aerial or satellite image blocks.
- Acquire very dense point clouds and high quality surface models directly from stereo imagery using image matching techniques
- Advanced multi-image matching creates point clouds as dense as one point per pixel at a lower cost than aerial laser scanning
- Point clouds from image matching provide excellent results for orthophoto generation and city modeling applications
- Remove non-ground objects and achieve bare earth digital terrain models (DTMs) using robust filter methods
- Expand production capabilities using state-of-the-art multi-threading and distributed processing
- Precise aerial image triangulation with exceptional performance
- Geo-reference blocks of aerial imagery based on the advanced and unique image processing algorithms for both line and, optionally, pushbroom sensor data
- Fully automated processing even for large projects
- Processing is independent of flight geometry and supports completely arbitrary flight patterns
- Automatically extract tie points in frame images at optimal locations using multi-ray image matching
- Measure or verify control and tie points, guided by graphical block analysis
- Orient image blocks using proven bundle block adjustment and quality control tools
- Rigorous GPS and IMU data support, including calibration of boresight misalignment and shift and drift corrections
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